
The ibo village has many superstitons relating to various topics like marriage, medicine, spirits, birth and etc.  If these superstitons were released into our culture it would bring quite the uproar, majoirty of the people would find it absurd but the lifestyle the ibo people have grown up with helps them accustom to these standards and beleive in great faith wtih these superstitons. Kind of like how in our society we beleive 13 is a "un-lucky" number and should not be used, other cultures may find this ridiculous.
One of the most important time of year for the ibo village is "peace week" where the people beleive that no violence should be spread around. During this week Okonkwo commits a great sin by beating his wife, 'it is believed that evil will fall upon the whole clan, so he must repent" (pg. 29)

One of the more depressing superstitions the ibo people have is about "obanje" . The "obanje" states that "If a child is stillborn a wicked child who when it died, would enter the mother's womb again to be reborn." (pg. 79)

Later on in the book we learn about the Ogbu-agali-odu, an evil essence loosed upon the world through secret medicines. (pg. 102)

The tribe also  believed in evil spirits. "Their clan is full of evil spirits of these unburied dead, hungry to do harm to the living." 

Members of the tribe that died from certain diseases were looked as "un-clean". These people weren't buried but rather dumped into the forest as if their previous life had no value.
Added by Dan Waseem